Plan Organize Lead Control

Your business is important to us just as it is to you. You need to ensure that you are Planning correctly, Organizing your priorities, Leading with ethical behavior, and Controlling the outcome of any situation. Need help saving money and doing more with less? Let us guide you with Innovative thinking services. We aim to build your business with small incremental changes. You want to build for the future and create sustainability. Let us help you with Innovative ways you can save and get the best Return on Investment. At Business Management Project Solutions, we take a holistic view of your company with our Business Management skills. With our experience in advising projects, we’re ready to take your business to the next level. ​At Business Management Project Solutions, we combine our insights on how to transform your projects, processes, strategies, and in turn your company. And we have the capabilities and experience to do it. 

We’re proud to help shape how leading companies structure and manage their business. Looking to develop your business but not sure where to turn? Need help planning or executing your next project? Let us guide you with Strategic Planning services. Any organization can develop with small incremental changes, but building for the future in today’s rapidly evolving business environment means taking bold chances and making insightful decisions.​With our experience in Strategic Planning Projects, we’re ready to help you take your business to the next level. At BM Project Solutions, we combine our insights on how to transform your Project Management processes, into seamless end to end tasks. We are here to listen and help where we can and do the best we can for your company. We look at innovative ways of saving your business money. Whether it be a change in routes or basic savings on fuel and expenditure, we want you to get the best out of your business. Our logistics form part of our advisory skills and where we see the need for improvement. We want your business to be the best and will not stop till we get it there. 

What is Agile?
Agile asks for cooperative cross-functional teams, as opposed to the conventional “waterfall” model, which has one discipline contribute to the project before “throwing it over the wall” to the next contributor.
The Impact of Labor Unions on Employment and the Economy
The economy has less employment available as a result of unions. Over the past three decades, union members have lost the great majority of industrial employment. When considering legislation that would require workers to join unions, the government should keep in mind that union cartels impede economic progress and postpone recovery.